Saturday 20 October 2012

Satay Mee Jawa @ Syn Wah Hui

Ever seen a Malay stall operating in a Chinese coffee shop? Well.. There's one in Kuching Main Bazaar. The shop is located just next to Deli Cafe. The place is famous for satay mee jawa made by a Malay old lady, but we seldom go as old shops normally do not look so hygienic. They also have nice roti bakar freshly baked by the coffee shop tauke.
Busy preparing saliva-dripping mee jawa
Here comes our breakfast. We ordered more satays as I think the normal set (RM5.00) only comes in 2. Additional satay costs RM0.50 each if not mistaken.
Beef satays!! Awesome. They have chicken satays too.. The satays were BBQ from time to time at the back of the shop. You can smell the fragrant BBQ smell in the shop. But then, be ready to get a hair wash later on. :D
Mee Jawa. One thing special is that this mee jawa sauce was salty instead of sweet. Not all would like it I would say. For me and George, we actually prefer it to be slightly sweet, but it's all up to personal preference. Guess what. We found that it tasted best if you mix the satay sauce which came along with the satays with the mee jawa sauce. PERFECT!! 

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