Monday 1 October 2012

Penang Fried Mee Suah

Ever heard of fried mee suah?? or fried rice vermicelli?? Well.. I definitely never heard of this until I came to Penang. I had my first try at a coffee shop at Island Glades. Forgotten what was the name of the shop. The place sells expensive fish head beehoon/porridge, but many were queuing for it. Anyway, I was recommended by Aunty to try this fried mee suah. However, it was kind of disappointing because I think that it tasted like fried beehoon. :-< One thing that's nice was the belacan paste or shrimp paste. Should have given me MORE!! 
Although the fried mee suah was not up to my expectation, but the yam kueh or o-kueh sold my an old lady was fantastic. The best yam kueh I tasted so far. Oh no! Feeling hungry when I think of it.

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