Sunday 14 October 2012

Officially graduated!

Finally, my turn to graduate! After 3.5 years in Swinburne, I am graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology). So, of course, photo-taking is the main event during convocation. The award giving ceremony lasted for about 2 hours. Then, we were off to take photos with family, friends and lecturers.
My friends and I
That's me! :D
With Mum and Dad <3
With George
Group photo with the lecturers. Too bad Dr. Peter was not around.
We were asked to pose so by the reporter. Haha~ And our lecturers had to act like they were shocked.
Another shot
Our gals gang. Huili was missing in the photo cos she had left. :(
Graduation gifts from George.. :)
After this, we headed to Phil Art to take my portrait photo and family photo. It was really a hectic day.. So tired and exhausted. But, I regained my energy by having SushiSSSS for the night. YUMMY!! Persuaded my parents to go for the RM2 Sushi Bonanza at Sushi King. We queued for 30mins until we got a place, but then, our dinner only lasted 20mins even though we were given 45 mins /:). I had 11 plates. Haha.. Had lots of salmons and unagis.. Yuhoo~~  O:-)

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