Wednesday 17 October 2012

Laos Cafe @ Komtar Walk

This was my first attempt in Penang's Western Restaurant. I was there with Wen Yin, Bernard and Alvin as we bought the Groupon voucher for 4 pax.
Outlook of the Cafe
Some photos of the interior design of the place:
Comfortable and clean.
They have a stage set-up. There are times when they have live bands to entertain the customers.

Ok. Here comes our meal.
For drinks, we had free-flow Iced Lemon Tea. Most of us had our drinks refilled thrice. Bernard had his refilled quince. He rushed to the toilet immediately after our dinner. LOL!

Mushroom Soup.
 For our main course, we can choose for grilled Norman Salmon or Chicken Chop or Pork Chop. All of us had salmons except Wen Yin who went for chicken.
Grilled Salmon with mashed potatoes, corn and some sides. It was nice. I like the mashed potatoes especially. Very smooth and rich. The salmon was well cooked and the skin was very crispy. Delicious! 
Wen Yin's Chicken Chop with Mushroom Sauce. Looked very tempting too! According to her, this was quite nice too.
Lastly came our desserts. We were served with Strawberry Ice Cream and Green Tea Mochi per person. Love the Mochi. Best mochi I had tasted before! Anyway, I seldom have mochis. HAHA~~
That's the end of our dinner. Imagine all these costed us RM12 only. Definitely worth the value. :D

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