Wednesday 5 September 2012

Lok Lok: An Old-time Kuchingites' Supper Place

This Lok-Lok shop located at Jalan Tabuan roundabout, behind Kuching High School, near to Chung Hua No. 1 Primary School and at the same row of the San Francisco Grill Restaurant. Every Kuchingites know this place. This is a popular place to have supper, but it is also open for dinner. Being aware of the presence of this place, I never try the food there before :P.

Choices of food available:
Crab meat, Mussels, Sausage, Dried Taufu, Fish Balls etc.
Vegetables, Mushrooms, Century Eggs, Quail Eggs etc.
Oysters, Ham wrapped celery, Clam meat, Cheese Taufu, Cheese Balls etc.
These lok-loks can be cooked in 2 different methods. You can have them deep-fried or boiled.
These were what I had chosen (Before cooked). I wanted them boiled. Healthier than deep-fried. 
Apart from these, they also sell pre-fried Lok-lok.
Fried Nuggets, Taiwanese sausages, Ngo Hiang and Crab Meat.
Fried Chicken Butt, Prawn Balls, Chicken Wings and Chicken Kidney.
Our dinner:
Boiled Lok-loks. We were served with their special dipping sauce which tasted like spicy peanut sauce. :-bd
From the deep-fried section, we had 2 sticks of chicken butts and 1 stick of chicken kidney.
Their specialty: Herbal Tea. 
Our dinner costed RM29. Very full and satisfying. Plus it's healthier! (I think~~ Hehe). I spotted quite a number of customers having Nasi Lemak that night as well. Maybe I should try it on my next visit?? =p~

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