Thursday 20 September 2012

First Hike in Penang

Hike! Hike! Hike! One of my favorite hobbies during my pastime. I joined my training friends on a hike at Penang National Park which is at the northeast side of Penang Island. We were all supposed to gather at the training centre at 7am, but when Qabilla and I reached there at 710am, we were actually the first. But then, we managed to view the beautiful sunrise.
Just managed to snap a photo of the contrail across the sky.
We only managed to start our journey at 8am when everyone arrived. It took us about 45 mins to reach our destination. We registered at the registration counter in case we got lost in the park and started our hike around 9am. The national park here was better than the ones in Kuching. Do you know why??? Cos there's NO ENTRANCE FEE required.
Taman Negara Pulau Pinang
Notice the message on board? We had to use the guys toilet! Gosh!
Group photo just before we start hiking. Obviously one was missing out as he had to take the photo.

During the hike:

View of the beautiful beaches along our way
My friends
Another nice view of the coast. I felt lucky that the weather on that morning was perfect for photos. This part of the coast is where they have off-shore fish cultivation.
Collecting clams


Here they come
Which way to go?? Pantai Kerachut!!

That's Qabilla posing as a Kampung Boy. Haha
Time for a drink
Too far
That's Jacky in front, followed by Melanie, Kira, Adila, Amirah (Adila's sister) and finally Qabilla.

Sight of Pantai Kerachut just before we hoped onto the beach
At the beach:
Looking for a resting spot once we arrived
Guard House

Finally got a complete group photo with me in front, followed by Jacky, Qabilla, Wei Cai, Ray, Melanie, Kira,  Vanee, Adila and Amirah.
Another group pic with my eyes closed. =.=
Anyone wants sea salt?


Poor Wei Cai got himself into a small accident in which he fell and sprained his ankle.


Washing my legs!! According to Qabilla, this is natural pedicure~~ LOL

Just before we left, we visited the Turtle Conservation Centre.

Lumba-lumba skeleton

 Cute Little Turtle
Going back on speed boat~ Only had to pay RM10 per person. And it was really a long and spectacular ride. We can actually hike back, but most of us were too tired to do so.

It's me on the boat with the life jacket :D

Rabbit-looking rock

Turtle-looking Rock
Crocodile-looking Rock
Aquaculture observed. We passed through the seashore here when we were hiking. You can smell the fishy smell when you approach this area.

Lots of fishing boats
Finally back to where we started~~
Malay Laksa (RM3.00). Had this for lunch at Pantai Shamrock on our way back. It was nice. Sour and spicy. However, I would prefer them not to put so much vege. Hee~

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