Wednesday 12 September 2012

First Day at Work

Feeling a little bit nervous and tired on my first day to work as I had to wake up very early to get to the office to avoid the heavy traffic along the way from Gurney to Agilent. I was requested to report at 8am, but I was already there at 715am. The Agilent Factory was really big, I had to hop onto another new hire's car to get to the destined building. And so, that's how I got my first new friend/colleague, Alvin, at work. It somehow happened that he's also in the same training program with me and both of us were a week late in the program. There was a short briefing with some other new hires at first and we were taken to get our Badges done.
Not very nice.. :l
 Then, I was taken to meet my recruiter and later, my manager. After being introduced around in the D&E department, I was sent immediately by my manager to the training institute to start my training.

Got to know a number of nice and friendly colleagues. We went for lunch together at the Noodles Station at the E-Gate Penang. According to the name, they are famous for noodles, but they also sell western cuisine. One of my friends recommended noodles with soup-based. The dried ones are more salty and the western food are not nice. So, I ordered the Tom Yam Seafood with mee. It was nice. Sour and slightly spicy.
Tom Yam Seafood with Mee (RM9.90)
Transportation was really a big problem for me!! :-S As nobody stays around Gurney, I had to take a bus back. All my colleagues were so worried for me. So, one gal, Wan Ting, was so kind to send me to a nearby bus stop on her way home and kept texting me to assure my safety. O:-) I waited for the bus for 30mins and it was a 1hr bus ride.  I left the training center at 530pm. By the time I reached home, it's already 730pm. Anyway, I managed to get home safely. #:-S Hopefully my accommodation and transportation problems are fixed as soon as possible.

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