Sunday 16 September 2012


What does FF stands for???
My day started off with homemade Banana Carrot Cake. 
Aunty baked this. Nice!! 
We had lunch at the Queensbay Mall. Our initial plan was to have Japanese food, but the Q was too long and some of our Malay friends had to rush for prayer later, so we headed to the food court instead. As usual, there's plenty of food you can get in the food court. My friend recommended me this stall selling Penang's hawker specialties (forgotten what was the name). 
Penang Stir-Fried Spicy Noodles (RM5.90). It was good and the portion was huge, but too oily.  There were a few types of dipping sauces available and I definitely go for the sambal. The taste of the sambal sauce blended extremely well with the mee.
 After our training, I troubled Alvin to take me to view a room at the Lakeside Tower as it's just next to where's he is staying. Before my appointment, Alvin brought me to this shop in D'Piazza Mall, named House of Kolo Mee, for dinner. Sarawak Kolo Mee is available here. There are various methods of servings like the original one (with minced pork), soupy ones, with chicken, seafood and also braised pork. I did not have any as I'm still feeling full after my heavy lunch. Alvin ordered the original one.
Original Kolo Mee (RM4.00). This definitely looks different from what we have in Kuching. Nevertheless, Alvin claimed that it's quite good. Going to try this next time. :)

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