Sunday 2 September 2012

Fang Yuan's Cha Siu + Ding Tea's Bubble Tea

Had the famous Cha Siu (BBQ Roasted Pork) at Fang Yuan (芳园) for brunch. Superb taste!! They sell Hainanese Chicken Rice as well, but we are not that into chicken rice.
Perfectly roasted pork. The pork meat is savory, well-marinated and sticky sweet. The fats contained was just nice, not too much or little. Best Cha Siu in Kuching~~ (My personal opinion thou :D)
 Went to the annual Jom Heboh at Stadium Negeri, Petrajaya in the afternoon, but it was so crowded and
 terribly HOT.
Carpark full
We left and drove to the well-known Dayang Salhah Kek Lapis Shop. Sampled a lot of cakes. Yum yum! Luv the Cadbury Cake the most. =p~ After that, we went to the ABC stall at waterfront. It was so disappointing that the stall was not open. So, we headed to Boulevard Mall and bought ourselves bubble tea from Ding Tea. Luckily the queue was not very long.
Hokkaido Milk Tea. Nice! It has a rich caramel taste and the pearls were very chewy. Actually I think it's a little bit too sweet. Would ask for 70% sugar the next time. 
Had some fun with my pup, ADELE!
Locked her out and she's begging to get inside. Awe~~ So cute~~ o:-)
She's all grown-up now..

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